Handyman Near Me, Handyman Service, Handyman Repairs, Handyman, Doors, Mailbox Repair, Mailbox Post, Mailbox installers, mailbox
By Hammer & Nail Construction  (401) 639-7091
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See What Our Customers Are Saying About Our Services

Handyman Serives


We hired Handyman Elite (Raymond) to replace two sinks in a bathroom recently (September, 2017). My wife and I are very satisfied with the job. The price is fair and as quoted before hand. Raymond kept the promise for client satisfactory. We plan to call him again next time our house has similar jobs which need handyman's help.

jing xu

See Moore

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Mailbox Installer for all RI and Boston Cities and Town’smailbox repair

Same day installation Call us (401) 639-7091 we provide service to Providence & Boston Areas.

We Repair and Install Mallboxes

mailbox installation

We provide service for all phases of installation of mailboxes if your mail box was damage or you moved and need a new mail box, we can help. We have flat rates on all residential installations and repairs



Mailbox post repair

We provide centralized mailbox solutions for property owners who require secure residential and commercial mailboxes installation of multi-tenant and multi-unit complexes that are undergoing renovations or new construction. We will provide mailboxes that are built to meet USPS security requirements.

