Handyman Near Me, Handyman Service, Handyman Repairs, Handyman, Doors, Mailbox Repair, Mailbox Post, Mailbox installers, mailbox
By Hammer & Nail Construction  (401) 639-7091
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See What Our Customers Are Saying About Our Services

Small Jobs


Ray was contacted by phone on Wednesday and was at my home on Thursday. Incredible! The project was completed quickly, professionally and at a reasonable price. I will keep his name and number in case I need another project completed. I highly recommend this gentleman for any project requiring a professional handyman

Ron Seyffert

See Moore

                 We are the experts

                                                                     Trust our experience

Toilet Repairs Specialist

Water Damage Floors

Handyman Elite, call us for all your Bathroom & Kitchen needs. (401) 639-7091 we offer same day repair service If your toilet is leaking causing damage to your floors we can help. We are your floor handyman repair specialist, providing expert service and care for your water damage floors.  Handyman Elite service techs are trained to provide you the best and most affordable option for your sub floor and other damages caused by your leaking toilet along with proper installation, this ensures that the product lasts longer and that’s one less thing you need to worry about. We are your professional and reliable handyman for your toilet repair service near Providence, RI. Contact us today!

Avoid Expensive bills when. We will show up at your home to make any repairs necessary to get your up and working.

Toilet Seat Repair

We will take care of your broken or loose toilet seat for you. We will repair or replace your toilet seat and check your entire Bathroom for any problems. Call us the company that knows how to make your troubles go away.

Need to set up a service call Request?

Contact us with the request a service call form simply fill it in with the time and day and we will come out to your home to make any repairs you have.  We will call you or email you with the quote usually with-in 10 hours’ time. If you need same day service not problem just give us a call and we will service your work order the same day.